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Michael Friedman is our guest on this episode of Revolution Watch Podcast. Friedman is a walking encyclopedia, horological specialist, museum curator, and charming storyteller. His current title at Breitling Replica is Head of Complicated Watches, which he has held since the start of this year.breitling replica His knowledge of watches is not limited to Breitling Replica. Friedman worked in many watch and clock museums. He was the Vice President and Department Head for Watches at Christie's New York, in 1999. Friedman also had his own consulting firm that provided services to collectors, auctioneers, and other establishments.

He will tell you all you need to know about watches if you talk to him. He will also be able tell you the first time that humans discovered how to measure time.

Friedman has been a frequent guest on our podcast.patek philippe replica watches We have had many hours-long conversations with him that were difficult to condense into articles.